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Trinity Strand Trail


We hadn’t intended on walking on this paved trail, but the entrance to Trammel Crow Park off of the Sylvan bridge was closed. So we sort of stumbled upon this trail. We park near Slow Bone BBQ, and the trail is just behind the restaurant. We had no idea which way to go, so we started walking East.

If you are looking for something different, I would suggest this path. We were able to see lots of cool murals and I didn’t know there was a memorial called the Dallas Circle of Heroes in honor of the five fallen officers who were attacked by a lone gunman in downtown Dallas on July 7, 2016.

There were more people on the trail than I would have liked, but we did go late in the day on a Sunday. Perhaps this would be better traveled on during the day, during the week.

Length: I think we walked about 1.2 miles, but the trail is 2.5 miles from one end to the other, trail map